Talk Story

Inspiring Stories

Inspiring Journeys. Over the years, many people have been inspired by the work of Maui Cultural Lands. Members of our ‘ohana have dedicated their lives to serving the ‘aina, and through their efforts, they have earned awards, traveled the world, and planted the seeds of change here at home. Here are just a few of those stories.

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  • Ekolu Lindsey stepped up as president of Maui Cultural Lands and taking the lessons learned from his dad and making them into reality.

  • After thirty-three years of teaching in Maui’s public schools, the affable Lahaina native retired from the school system, but he didn’t leave his classrooms.

  • Ed Lindsey Honoured for his lifetime of hard work communicating a model of preservation of the Hawaiian culture, education and sustainability.

  • The teachings and legacy of Uncle Ed Lindsey helped create organizations designed to malama (take care of) the land and the sea.